Choueiri Group’s digital media arm secures regional-first exclusive launch partner agreement with PHD UAE for Unilever
Dubai ,United Arab Emirates-Monday, July 31st 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
Digital Media Services (DMS), which serves as the official digital media arm of Choueiri Group recently announced that it has entered into an exclusive launch partner agreement with PHD UAE (The digital media planning and buying agency for Unilever North Africa & Middle East) for their new DMS Video Product.
The pioneering partnership is aimed at safeguarding Unilever’s investments as an advertiser and secures an online video inventory that adheres to the marketer’s stringent viewability guidelines, at a time when brand safety is becoming a growing concern.
Under the scope of the agreement, Unilever will receive privileged access to DMS’ vast portfolio of premium video properties. These include the region’s foremost video-on-demand service Shahid, along with Daily Motion and OLN.
Aside from extending i
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NEW YORK -Sunday, July 30th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Moody’s Corporation (NYSE:MCO) announced today that it has received clearance under the EU Merger Regulation from the European Commission to acquire Bureau van Dijk, a global provider of business intelligence and company information. Moody’s announced that it had agreed to acquire Bureau van Dijk on May 15, 2017.
In accordance with the terms of the transaction, Moody’s expects the acquisition to be completed in August 2017.
Bureau van Dijk aggregates, standardizes and distributes one of the world’s most extensive private company datasets, with coverage exceeding 220 million companies. It has partnerships with more than 160 independent information providers, creating a platform that connects customers with data that addresses a wide range of business challenges. Bureau van Dijk’s solutions support the credit analysis, investment research, tax risk, transfer pricing, compliance and third-party due diligence needs of fi
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Les lauréats du Prix International Roi Faisal pour la Science 2017 présentent des idées sur les développements majeurs de la physique quantique
Riyadh, Arabie Saoudite, -Lundi 31 Juillet 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
« Le monde devrait entrer dans l'ère de l'informatique quantique au cours des 20 prochaines années, comme de nouvelles percées en physique quantique offrent la possibilité de créer des ordinateurs caractérisés d’une vitesse et d’un pouvoir incroyables qui peuvent surpasser les capacités des ordinateurs traditionnels d'aujourd'hui », a déclaré le Professeur Daniel Loss, co-gagnant du Prix International Roi Faisal pour la Science 2017.
Professeur Loss a été honoré par le prix prestigieux cette année pour son travail pionnier sur l'étude de la dynamique des spins et la cohérence des spins de très petites particules semi-conductrices appelées points quantiques, qui promet d'ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités dans des applications pratiques basées sur l'informatique quantique.
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HONG KONG -Sunday, July 30th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- I Squared Capital, an independent global infrastructure investment manager, has signed an agreement, through its ISQ Global Infrastructure Fund II, to acquire a 100 percent interest in Hutchison Global Communications Investment Holding Limited (HGC) from Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited (HTHKH) for approximately HKD14.5 billion. The transaction is expected to close by October 2017.
HGC is a leading fixed-line service provider to fixed and mobile carriers, OTT service providers, corporate and business, residential and data centers in Hong Kong and around the world. Its over 1.4-million-kilometer fiber network connects to over 14,200 buildings and it is also one of Hong Kong’s largest-scale Wi-Fi service providers with over 25,000 Wi-Fi hot spots. The company’s extensive international network has four highly prized land routes into mainland China. The company extends its global reach into differe
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Nominum Data Science Experts Join Academic and Telecom Industry Experts to Explain the Unique Insights DNS Data Enables to Protect Networks and Internet Users from Emerging Threats
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -Wednesday, July 26th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nominum™, the DNS-based security and services innovation leader, announced today it is leading a panel discussion at BlackHat USA titled “DNS: An Agile Defense Against Diverse, Damaging Attacks.” The panel of speakers features security researcher Nick Feamster, Professor and Deputy Director of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), and Matthew Carothers, Principal Security Architect with a leading North American ISP, along with Nominum security experts Yuriy Yuzifovich, Head of Security Research and Data Science, and Pierre Ehsani, Senior Director of Product Management.
The discussion will shed light on the depth and breadth of cyberthreats that can be detected and analyzed using DNS data
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MUNICH & DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzanie -Lundi 31 Juillet 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- REDAVIA, un leader mondial du marché de l’énergie solaire économique en location pour les entreprises et les communautés, a démarré l’exploitation de sa ferme solaire - composée de huit conteneurs - à la mine New Luika de Shanta Gold située dans le district de Chunya, en Tanzanie.
Avec la ferme solaire initiale, composée d’un conteneur et déployée en 2014, Shanta Gold a rapidement profité d’avantages : environ 100 000 kWh ont été produits en économisant 28 000 litres de carburant et en réduisant les émissions de CO2 de 67 tonnes par an.
Les plans d’expansion en sous-sol de Shanta ont conduit à une augmentation de la demande en énergie, la société s’est donc tournée vers REDAVIA pour louer sept autres conteneurs. Avec huit conteneurs opérationnels et une capacité de 674 kWc, Shanta est maintenant en mesure de produire plus d’un million de kWh par an, économisant ainsi 219 000 litres de carburant
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Winners of King Faisal International Prize for Science 2017 offer insights into major developments in quantum physics
Riyadh,Saudi Arabia.-Sunday, July 30th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
The world is expected to enter the era of quantum computing in the next 20 years as new breakthroughs in quantum physics offer the possibility of creating computers with unbelievable speed and power that can surpass the capabilities of today’s traditional computers, stated Professor Daniel Loss, co-winner of the King Faisal International Prize for Science 2017.
Professor Loss was honoured with the prestigious award this year for his pioneering work on the study of spin dynamics and spin coherence of very small semiconductor particles called quantum dots, that promises to open up significant new opportunities in practical applications based on quantum computing.
Loss, who is the Professor of the Department of Physics at the University of Basel, shared the prestigious prize this year with Professor Laurens
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