RADIUS Service provides a thorough assessment of a company’s internal network, server and computing infrastructure
Dubai, United Arab Emirates -Wednesday, May 31st 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
The WannaCry ransomware made it clear that detecting and patching vulnerabilities of IT systems and conducting thorough network assessments are vital to ensure a company’s data security. Unfortunately, IT departments and managers are routinely swamped with time-consuming tasks and chores, from backing up software to managing systems and applications to repairing computers and tending to user requests.
Enter Managed FZ-LLC, leaders in the industry of Online Threat Monitoring, and the RADIUS Security Assessment service. The service, already proven by years of testing the infrastructures of some of the largest organizations and corporations in the UAE, scans the LAN and Wi-Fi traffic using Managed’s proprietary monitoring probe, checks for vulnerabilities in the server and network infrastructure and p
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Il sera possible de prévisualiser le module Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI®) pour Root lors de la conférence de la Société européenne d'anesthésiologie à Genève, en Suisse, du 3 au 5 juin 2017
IRVINE, Californie et LILLE, France-Dimanche 4 Juin 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)--Masimo (NASDAQ : MASI) et Mdoloris Medical Systems ont annoncé aujourd'hui un partenariat Masimo Open Connect™ (MOC) autour de Root®, la plateforme à architecture ouverte de connectivité et de suivi des patients, sur laquelle Mdoloris développe et commercialise la technologie Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI®) pour Root.
L'approche unique de Masimo qui permet d'intégrer des technologies médicales par le biais de partenariats MOC devrait résoudre les problèmes majeurs empêchant l'adoption de nouvelles technologies pour le suivi des patients. L'architecture ouverte et la connectivité intégrée de Root permettent aux sociétés tierces de décider seules de planifier leur stratégie de produit intégré. Elles p
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Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI®) Module for Root to be Previewed at the European Society of Anaesthesiology in Geneva, Switzerland June 3 – 5, 2017
IRVINE, Calif. & LILLE, France-Saturday, June 3rd 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Masimo (NASDAQ: MASI) and Mdoloris Medical Systems announced today a Masimo Open Connect™ (MOC) partnership for the Root® Open Architecture Patient Monitoring and Connectivity Hub, in which Mdoloris is developing and will commercialize their Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI®) technology for Root.
Masimo’s unique approach to medical technology integration through MOC partnerships is expected to address some major barriers to new technology adoption in patient monitoring. Root’s open architecture and built-in connectivity enable third-party companies to determine themselves whether to pursue an integrated product. They can then independently develop, obtain regulatory approvals, and commercialize their own external MOC-9 module or Masimo Open Connec
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La solution N2 ThreatAvert de Nominum protège le réseau de sites de jeux de LR Data ainsi que ses joueurs du monde entier contre les cybermenaces malveillantes
REDWOOD CITY, Californie et MAKATI CITY, Philippines -Dimanche 4 Juin 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nominum™, le leader de la sécurité basée sur le système de noms de domaine (Domain Name System, DNS) et de l'innovation en matière de services, a annoncé aujourd'hui que LR Data Center and Solutions, Inc. (LR Data), une filiale de Leisure & Resorts World Corporation (LRWC), la première juridiction de jeux d'Asie, assurera la sécurité de l'expérience Internet de millions de joueurs en ligne à travers le monde avec la solution N2™ ThreatAvert de Nominum.
LR Data, un fournisseur de services de technologie et de télécommunications neutre du point de vue juridictionnel, hébergeant plusieurs sites de jeux Internet en Asie, a choisi de déployer la solution de protection des réseaux basée sur le DNS de Nominum pour protéger
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Nominum N2 ThreatAvert Protects LR Data’s Network of Gaming Sites and their Players around the World from Malicious Cyberthreats
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. & MAKATI CITY, Philippines -Saturday, June 3rd 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nominum™, the DNS-based security and services innovation leader, announced today that LR Data Center and Solutions, Inc. (LR Data), a subsidiary of Leisure & Resorts World Corporation (LRWC), Asia's first gaming jurisdiction, will secure the internet experience for millions of online gamers around the world with Nominum N2™ ThreatAvert.
LR Data, a telecom- and jurisdiction-neutral technology services provider that hosts several internet gaming sites throughout Asia, is deploying Nominum’s DNS-based network protection solution to safeguard online gaming businesses and their users from emerging cyberthreats such as DDoS and PRSD (Pseudo-Random Sub Domain) attacks. LR Data has a significant client base of Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA) gaming
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EMEA nodes expanded to over 1Tbps of regional capacity distributed across Frankfurt, Amsterdam and London
STERLING, Va.-Thursday, June 1st 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Neustar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR), a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information services, today announced that it has tripled its global DDoS mitigation network capacity reaching 4 Tbps across EMEA and Singapore. This places the company within close reach of its goal of a 10 Tbps Global DDoS Defence Network, which will be the world’s largest, most distributed and technically advanced DDoS mitigation defence network, by early 2018.
In EMEA, Neustar has significantly expanded network capacity with an increase of 244 percent from 320 Gbps to more than 1 Tbps distributed across three nodes in Frankfurt, Amsterdam and London alone. APAC also has a new 200 Gbps node in Singapore, doubling the in-region capacity with additional large nodes soon following. By Q1 2018, the Neustar Global DDoS Defence Network will
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