VIP Lounge Introduces DubLi Travel, Leisure, Local Retail, Dining Offers and More
BOCA RATON, Fla.-Thursday, April 20th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)--, the global leader in online Cash Back shopping, today announced the launch of the new VIP Lounge, an exclusive membership package for VIP customers. The VIP Lounges offers a product and benefit mix, unmatched in the global Cash Back industry, which provides a single point of access to a complete array of saving opportunities. DubLi’s VIP Lounge offers multiple ways to save on hotel rooms, travel, flights, local shopping, dining, services, and entertainment and leisure activities - all in one convenient location.
With the launch of this new membership package, the company has introduced DubLi Travel, the company’s own travel search engine in partnership with some of the most prominent global travel brands -, and DubLi Travel offers VIP Lounge members savings on hotel boo
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Thought leaders and industry luminaries from Barclays, Forrester, Specsavers and WIRED to gather at Europe’s largest application performance event May 3-4 in London
LONDON-Thursday, April 20th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE) -- AppDynamics, a Cisco company and the leader in application intelligence, today announced AppD Summit Europe, the industry’s inaugural event to help technology leaders fulfill their missions to make their businesses digital first. IT organizations must now evolve from service to full partnership with the business, and AppD Summit Europe will empower IT professionals to expand their impact and influence in this landscape.
Users demand superior performance from their apps; business owners demand better outcomes from their digital engagements. Newly backed by Cisco, AppDynamics is hosting its first major event in London to share its vision for the future of application and business monitoring.
AppD Summit Europe spotlights how high-performance digital ex
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La Commission fédérale des communications (FCC), l'ICASA, l'OPIC, l'IFC, Microsoft Corporation, HP Enterprise, l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT) et d'autres doivent intervenir lors de la conférence majeure sur le partage du spectre
LE CAP, Afrique du Sud-Vendredi 21 Avril 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- À trois semaines du cinquième sommet mondial annuel de la Dynamic Spectrum Alliance, qui fait son retour en Afrique cette année, l'un des deux hôtes, l'ICASA, l'Autorité indépendante des communications d'Afrique du Sud, a publié des projets de réglementations sur l'utilisation des espaces blancs de télévision dans la région.
Les projets de réglementations, qui sont accessibles au public jusqu'au 19 mai 2017, soulignent les avancées réalisées par l'Afrique du Sud pour favoriser un Internet abordable grâce à un accès dynamique au spectre. Ces projets de réglementations, que la DSA approuve totalement, et les technologies seront abordés lors du sommet mondial de
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Federal Communications Commission (FCC), ICASA, OPIC, IFC, Microsoft Corporation, HP Enterprise, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and more set to speak at leading spectrum sharing conference
CAPE TOWN, South Africa-Thursday, April 20th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- With three weeks to go until the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance’s Fifth Annual Global Summit, which is this year returning to Africa, co-host ICASA, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, has published draft regulations on the use of TV White Space (TVWS) in the region.
The draft regulations, which are open for public consultation until 19 May 2017, highlight the progress South Africa is making in enabling affordable Internet through dynamic spectrum access. These draft regulations – which the DSA fully welcomes - and technologies will be discussed at the DSA Global Summit, taking place in Cape Town between 9 to 11 May 2017, where a whole host of leading industry figures and regulators f
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WASHINGTON -Thursday, April 20th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- CIBOK Editorial Committee today announced its establishment and the 1st edition “Cybercrime Investigation Body Of Knowledge” (CIBOK) published work. CIBOK is designed to provide a new standard for law enforcement organizations and enterprises around the globe with knowledge, skills and behaviors required to solve or prevent today’s complex and sophisticated cybercrime. The CIBOK first edition publication is available in English and Japanese.
“As cybercrime evolves from individuals seeking attention and demonstrating their capabilities to organized and syndicated activities of sophisticated goal-oriented actors, it is important to change our focus to understanding the objectives and motivations of the crimes,” said Shane Shook, the chief editor of CIBOK and the chair of Cybercrime Investigation Body Of Knowledge Editorial Committee. “Crime is investigated in terms of means, motives and opportunity to identify perp
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New addition to SES’s government services portfolio is world’s first SATCOM-enabled solution to provide multi-orbit connectivity tailored to border security, ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance), aid and disaster recovery initiatives
LUXEMBOURG-Thursday, April 20th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE) -- SES (Euronext Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG)announced its new government product Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV), a SATCOM-enabled platform capable of providing high-speed connectivity and global communications services tailored to a broad range of commercial, civil, humanitarian and defence missions around the world.
The Rapid Response Vehicle is the world’s first mobile platform to offer collaborative communications technologies over multiple orbits and frequencies, including Ku-, Ka- and Military X- and Ka-bands, across SES’s GEO fleet and fibre-like Ka-band delivered over its MEO constellation. The versatile RRV can easily adapt with connectivity customised for specific s
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MONTREAL-Vendredi 21 Avril 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)--Replicor Inc., une société biopharmaceutique à capitaux privés qui entend trouver un remède pour les infections chroniques au HBV et HDV, a divulgué aujourd'hui d'importantes nouvelles données sur l'activité des NAP dans les infections au HBV et HDV lors de la réunion annuelle de l'Association européenne pour l'étude du foie (EASL) 2017, qui se tient du 19 au 23 avril 2017 à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas).
Des mises à jour des études REP 301 (coinfection au HBV/HDV) et REP 401 (infection au HBV) ont démontré d'importantes avancées :
1. Dans l'étude REP 301, il a été démontré que le contrôle fonctionnel signalé précédemment lors du suivi à 24 semaines du HBV (5 patients sur 12) et du HDV (7 patients sur 12) a été maintenu à un an, démontrant ainsi la durabilité du contrôle fonctionnel établi avec la thérapie à base de NAP (affiche LBP-507).
2. Dans l'étude REP 401, 30 patients ont reçu au moins 12 semaines d'exposition à NAP, et
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MONTREAL-Thursday, April 20th 2017 [ ME NewsWire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Replicor Inc., a privately held biopharmaceutical company targeting a cure for chronic HBV and HDV infection, today disclosed significant new data on NAP activity in HBV and HDV infections at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) 2017 annual meeting held April 19-23, 2017 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Updates in the REP 301 (HBV/HDV coinfection) and REP 401 (HBV infection) studies demonstrated important advances:
1. In the REP 301 study, previously reported functional control at 24 weeks follow-up of HBV (5/12 patients) and HDV (7/12 patients) was shown to be maintained at one year, demonstrating the durability of functional control established with NAP based therapy (poster LBP-507).
2. In the REP 401 study, 30 patients have received at least 12 weeks of NAP exposure and serum HBsAg response over time continues to improve: current reductions from baseline presented were >1log in 29 patients,
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