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HONG KONG - Samedi 13 Février 2016 [ME NewsWire] (BUSINESS WIRE)--Elliott1 a annoncé aujourd’hui la diffusion de la lettre ci-jointe aux autres actionnaires de Bank of East Asia, Limited (« BEA »). Elliott, qui détient une participation de plus de 7 % dans BEA, estime que le conseil d’administration de BEA devrait enfin envisager de proposer une valeur raisonnable aux actionnaires de BEA en procédant à une adjudication afin d’explorer la possibilité d’une vente de BEA avec une prime convenable. Perspectives d’Elliott concernant BEA - Points principaux évoqués dans la lettre Les actionnaires souffrent depuis longtemps du comportement retranché de la direction générale de BEA, qui a mal géré l’entreprise, résultant dans une mauvaise performance financière et opérationnelle sous-jacente et dans des rendements médiocres pour les actionnaires minoritaires indépendants L'utilisation régulière du mandat général pour placer les nouvelles actions sur une base sélective à CaixaBank et SMBC ... Read more »
Views: 110 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 02.13.2016

LONDON - Thursday, February 11th 2016 [ME NewsWire] (BUSINESS WIRE)-- The GSMA has published a new report calling for the modernisation of telecommunications regulations. “A New Regulatory Framework for the Digital Ecosystem”, developed by NERA Economic Consulting for the GSMA, explores how the pace of regulatory reform has failed to match the speed of change in the digital world, in particular with the emergence of a range of internet-based services and applications and a converged digital ecosystem. The study recommends a forward-looking, technology-agnostic regulatory framework, driven by clear policy objectives around consumer protection, innovation, investment and competition. “The telecoms regulations in place today are largely the same as those used to regulate the technologies and markets of the last century. There is no place for analogue rules in today’s dynamic digital age, where consumers face an expanded array of competitive choice in a converged marketplace,” said John ... Read more »
Views: 111 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 02.13.2016 | Comments (0)

TOKYO - Samedi 13 Février 2016 [ME NewsWire] (BUSINESS WIRE)--Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. (TOKYO : 2264), une société de produits laitiers de premier plan au Japon, a communiqué aujourd'hui une nouvelle étude montrant que la consommation quotidienne de yaourt fortifié au moyen du probiotique exclusif de la société, Bifidobacterium longum BB536, prévient le déséquilibre des bactéries intestinales induit par une alimentation à base de produits animaux. Le BB536 a maintenu des niveaux sains de bactéries bénéfiques tout en prévenant l'augmentation de niveaux nocifs de bactéries, telles que la Bilophila. Dernièrement, des études ont démontré l'importance du maintien de la flore intestinale sur la santé générale. Cependant, le mode de vie moderne au rythme effréné, avec son manque de sommeil et d'exercice, ses habitudes diététiques irrégulières et son stress continuel, menace l'équilibre bactérien. En particulier, il a été prouvé qu'une alimentation à base de produits animaux augmente ... Read more »
Views: 118 | Added by: africa-live | Date: 02.13.2016

HONG KONG - Thursday, February 11th 2016 [ME NewsWire] (BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elliott1 today announced the release of the attached letter to fellow shareholders of Bank of East Asia, Limited (“BEA”). Elliott, which owns a shareholding of over 7% in BEA, believes that the BEA board should now finally focus on delivering proper value for BEA shareholders by conducting an auction process to explore the scope for a sale of BEA at an appropriate premium. Elliott’s Perspectives on BEA - Key Points in the Letter Shareholders have long suffered from BEA’s entrenched executive management, which has mismanaged the business, resulting in weak underlying financial and operating performance and poor returns for independent minority shareholders Serial usage of the general mandate to place new shares on a selective basis to CaixaBank and SMBC for “strategic” purposes has assisted in entrenching the incumbent management and led to BEA’s chronic underperformance There is scope to sell BEA at an appro ... Read more »
Views: 123 | Added by: uaeonlinenews | Date: 02.13.2016

TOKYO - Friday, February 12th 2016 [ME NewsWire] (BUSINESS WIRE)-- Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:2264), a leading dairy product company in Japan, today unveiled new research showing that daily consumption of yogurt fortified with the company’s proprietary probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB536 prevents the intestinal bacterial imbalance induced by an animal-based diet. BB536 maintained healthy levels of beneficial bacteria, while preventing increases of harmful levels of bacteria such as Bilophila. Recently, studies have demonstrated the importance of maintaining balanced intestinal flora to overall health. However, the modern, fast-paced lifestyle — with its lack of sleep and exercise, irregular dietary habits and continual stress — threatens bacterial balance. Eating an animal-based diet in particular has been shown to cause an increase in harmful bacteria, a condition known as dysbiosis. This problem is not confined to the United States. Due to Westernization, animal-bas ... Read more »
Views: 135 | Added by: africa-live | Date: 02.13.2016